
Conference Programme

2nd Inclusive Interdisciplinary Conference
31 July – 1 August 2021
Online Conference via ShockLogic

Saturday, 31st July 2021

The platform will open at 13:45 BST – UK Time

14:00 – 14:15 Welcome, Opening Words, and Expectations from the Progressive Connexions Team

14:15 – 14:45 Welcome Discussion
Lorraine Rumson

14:45 – 15:00 Break

15:00 – 16:00 Session 1: Curl Up Comfortably
Chair: Lorraine Rumson

Sleeping (with) Nostalgia: Atari, Blockbuster Video and “Retro” Accommodation
André Habib

Barbara Gabriella Renzi

16:00 – 16:30 Long Break

16:30 – 17:30 Session 2: Disappear into the Past
Chair: Daria Romanova

“Before the outbreak of what used to be known as the Great War:” ‘Ironic’ Nostalgia in Isabel Colegate’s The Shooting Party (1980)
Cristina Pividori

Dear Grandfather, An Archive in Search of Your Absence
Avantika Seth

17:30 – 17:45 Break

17:45 – 18:30 End of Opening Day Discussion and Consolidation


Sunday, 1st August 2021

The platform will open at 13:45 BST – UK Time

14:00 – 15:00 Session 3: Embrace Your Inner Child
Chair: Barbara Gabriella Renzi

Pastoral Nostalgia and Identity: Farming the Music of Stardew Valley
Alicia Corts

Nonhuman Spectacles: Identity, Nostalgia, and Tradition in the Kentucky Derby and J.K. Rowling’s Triwizard Tournament
Kayla Adgate

15:00 – 15:15 Break

15:15 – 16:45 Session 4: Wear Your Grandmother’s Dress
Chair: Avantika Seth

Storytelling Through Materials: Listening to Nostalgic Recounting Through Present to Past, and Back Again
Catherine Glover

Modern Time Travellers: Neo-Edwardian Style and Sense of Nostalgia
Daria Romanova

Cottagecore Lesbians, Drag Queens in Hoop Skirts, and Other New Neo-Victorianisms
Lorraine Rumson

16:45 – 17:15 Long Break

17:15 – 17:45 Session 6: Revel in Your Creativity – Outputs Workshop

17:45 – 18:30 End of Day Discussion, Closing Thoughts, Goodbyes