
Evil Women: Women and Evil
An Inclusive Interdisciplinary Conference

Saturday 1st December 2018 – Sunday 2nd December 2018
Vienna, Austria


Saturday 1st December 2018

08:30 – 09:00 Registration
09:00 – 09:30 Welcome and Opening Words: Abby Bentham, Project Leader

09:30 – 11:00 Session 1: Femmes Fatales
Chair: Abby Bentham

An Analysis of the Modern Image of Manon Lescaut from Des Grieux’s Descriptions in 20th Century Films and TV Dramas
Mariko Kasahara

From Femme Fatale to Femme Noir: A Celebration of Evil
Jacqui Miller

Quadruple Trouble: The Foul Witches of Kill Shakespeare
Buket Akgün

11:00 – 11:15 Tea/Coffee

11:15 – 12.45 Session 2: Women and Violence
Chair: Teresa Porter

Female Violence and its Perception as Evil
Helen Gavin

The “Good Bloke” Versus the “Evil Woman”: The Role of Rhetoric in Public Perceptions of Murder and other Violent Offences
Laura Button

Representations of and Responses to Women who Kill in African Fiction
Adebola Abosede Fawole

11:15 – 12.45 Session 3: Monstrous Feminine?
Chair: Almudena Nido

Empirical Reflections of Female Evilness: Popular Literature in Qing Dynasty China (1644-1912)
Junfu Wong

The Yakshi as the “Monstrous Feminine”: An Examination through some Malayalam Representations
Mamatha Karollil

“Are You Food, Or Are You Sex?” Mimetic Desire, Sacred Violence and Precarity in Nicholas Winding Refn’s The Neon Demon
Mairead Casey

12.45 – 14.15 Lunch

14:15 – 15.45 Session 4: Women, Sex and Sexuality
Chair: John Dayton

The Monstrous Girl: Teen Witches, Abjection and the Horror of Femininity
Miranda Corcoran

The ‘Feminine-as-Monstrous’: Using the Whore Narrative to Unpack Representations of Militarised Femininity Gone Awry
Stacy Banwell

Communicating Sex as Part of a University Curriculum
Paul G. Nixon

14.15 – 15.45 Session 5: ‘Evil’ Bodies?
Chair: Mairead Casey

Ugly in Public: The Grotesque Politics of Sexualised Naked Protest
Alexandra Fanghanel

Trans Female Psycho: A Myth that Endures?
Gina Maya Roberts

Seduced by Satan: Damnation, Salvation and the Plight of Women in Nineteenth Century Quebecois Tales and Legends
Cynthia Jones

15.45 – 16:15 Tea/Coffee

16:15 – 17.45 Session 6: Evil Mothers
Chair: Gabrielle Everall

Bad Mothers in Early Modern Receptions of Greek Tragedy
Beth Harper

Momism at the Movies: Maternal Masterminds and Matriarchal Evil in Midcentury American Films
Keira V. Williams

Mayhem and the Matriarch: US Popular Television’s Evil Mothers
Julia M. Mason

17.45 – 18.00 End of Day Consolidation

18.00 Wine and Drinks Reception


Sunday 2nd December 2018

09:00 – 10:30 Session 7: Evil Women and the Media
Chair: Helen Gavin

Scourge, Sinner or Saint? Mary Whitehouse and the Evils of Modern Society
Emma Jones

“But What About the Children?” Media Constructions of “Mothers” Engaged in Group Offending
Emma Milne and Angus Nurse

Social Media in Domestic Homicide
Morag Kennedy

10:30 – 11:00 Tea/Coffee

11:00 – 12:30 Session 8: Women and War
Chair: Laura Button

Violation as Crime and Symbol in the Serbo-Bulgarian Ethnic Conflict of World War I
John Dayton

Towards a Queer Reading of the Female Nazi Perpetrator
Katherine Stone

Women and the Use of Torture
Helen Gavin and Theresa Porter

11:00 – 12.30 Session 9: Power
Chair: Jacqui Miller

Of “Bitter” gardens and “Unsafe Edge(s)”: Why Baby Kochamma turns Evil in Arundhati Roy’s novel The God of Small Things
Pushpinder Walia

The Duteous ‘Evil’?: A Re-Reading Of Lady Macbeth
Subhrasleta Banerjee

Women as Evil Mesmerizers in Arthur Conan Doyle and Ramesh Chandra Dutt: A Cross-Cultural Study
Shreya Chakravorty

12.30 – 14:00 Lunch

14:00 – 15:30 Session 10: Ancient Texts and Myths
Chair: Beth Harper

Beautiful, Enticing and Deceptive: The Reception of the Female Body in the Byzantine Illuminated Book
Mati Meyer

Capgras Syndrome and the Case of Bridget Cleary
Kristin L. Bone

Male Gaze and Female Monstrosity in Beowulf: the Two Femmes Fatales
Almudena Nido

15:30 – 16:00 Tea/Coffee

16:00 – 17:00 Session 11: Creative Evil
Chair: Claire Elizabeth Childers

The Daughters of Lucifer
Gabrielle Everall

Evil Women and Religion: A Dialogue in Poems
Allene Nichols

17:00 – 17:15 End of Day Consolidation
17:15 – 17:30 Where Now? What Next? Closing Remarks, Photographs, Goodbyes