
The End of Life Experience

Loneliness by Olivier Steiner

Loneliness by Olivier Steiner

This inclusive interdisciplinary research stream explores dying, death and the ways culture impacts care for the dying, the overall experience of dying, and how the dead are remembered. We will explore a broad array of perspectives that explore, analyse, and/or interpret the myriad interrelations and interactions that exist between death and culture. Culture not only presents and portrays ideas about “a good death” and norms that seek to achieve it, culture also operates as both a vehicle and medium through which meaning about death is communicated and understood. Sadly, too, culture sometimes facilitates death through violence.

A central theme will involve tracing the on-going and profound shift in contemporary attitudes toward death. Building on the “Lisbon mandate” which asserts palliative care as a fundamental human right, one that is based on the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, and one that continually explores implementation and design thinking that put into place health policies that address the needs of patients with life-limiting or terminal illnesses, the project will bring together a wide variety of disciplines to consider strategies, policies, and procedures that ensure equal access to essential medicines to all who need them, coupled with leading-edge ideas for how to ensure that health care workers receive adequate training in palliative care and pain management across the continuum of care. Learning new ways to facilitate and promote the implementation of palliative care services, including advance care planning will be assessed.

The stream will involve an exploration of the connections between contemporary technologies, social media hubs, and modern health care delivery systems and the ways they impact current end-of-life issues and decisions, including the experience of bereavement and grief.


4th Global Conference
The End of Life Experience – Dying, Death and Culture in the 21st Century
Friday 17th March 2023 – Saturday 18th March 2023
Prague, Czech Republic