
Sport: Probing the Boundaries


Saturday 2nd December – Sunday 3rd December 2017
Vienna, Austria




Final Conference Programme





 Saturday 2nd December 2017



8:30-9:00 Registration


9:00-9:30 Welcome and Opening Remarks


9:30-10:00 Ice breakers led by Phil Crisp


10:00 -11:15

Session 1 – The Business of Sport

Chair: Andrea Talentino


Commercialisation of Indian Sports—a Sea Change

Suresh Lau


Taking stock and making sense of match-fixing: new directions for interdisciplinary research

Andy Harvey


11:15-11:30 Tea and Coffee



Session 2 – Sport, Community and Experience

Chair: Sofia Rizzo


Leadership, bridging, and group-game engineering: best practice in community sport

Phil Crisp


Consuming health and sport in tourism retreats: examining relations between customer experience, satisfaction, subjective well-being, and loyalty

Timo Derriks


12:30-14:00 Lunch



Session 4 Sports, Culture and Values

Chair: Blynne Olivieri


Power play at the Indian Mughal Court: An introspection of physical culture

Parul Gaur


What Has Sports Values-Themed Learning Ever Done for US?

Derek Peaple


15:15-15:30 Tea and Coffee



Session 3 – Gendered Experiences in Sport

Chair: Andy Harvey


Women in the Wilderness

Blynne Olivieri


Gendered Experience at the Gym

Sofia Rizzo


CrossFit: My Journey to Healing from Sexual Violence

Sherrie-Lee Petrie


16:45 – 17:45 Review of the first day and group discussion


18:00 Wine Reception



Sunday 3 December, 2017


Session 5 – Analyzing Sporting Trends

Chair: Derek Peaple


Big Data Analytics in Sport: Importance and Implications

Lidija Petrovic


A Different Point of View of Pay for Play

Kevin Brown and Antonio Williams


10:00-11:15 Group Discussion


11:15-11:30 Tea and Coffee



Session 6 – Power dynamics in Sports Mega-events

Chair: Phil Crisp


The Qatar World Cup: A quest for soft power like no other

James Dorsey


Sovereignty, Recognition, and Participation at the Olympic Games

Andrea Talentino


12:30-14:00 Lunch



Round table discussion: Main challenges and opportunities in present-day sport

Moderator: Larry Olmsted


15:15-15:30 Coffee Break


15:30-16:30 Final Wrap up and Call to Action