

23octAll Day24Memory A Global Inclusive Interdisciplinary Conference

Event Details

Our memories shape us: our beliefs, our actions, our selves. A memory that we share with others can be a call to action or a way of formulating our identities. But memories are fallible, and the more people who are involved in a memory, the more room there is for debate about its meaning. The fallibility of memory is important in court cases, memoir-writing, and other situations involving testimony. This interdisciplinary conference is a space to explore the intersection between personal, psychological experiences of memory, and the communal, cultural experiences of remembrance. How do we – both as people and groups – remember and forget? What happens when memory fails? What about when two different memories contradict each other? How can we preserve memories when there is no one left to remember them? And are some things best forgotten?

Read more and submit your abstract here.


october 23 (Saturday) - 24 (Sunday)